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 How to Reset User Logon Password Using cmd   ?

Today I have Start my PC and I forgot password of Local Administrator. Without administrator password I cannot install new software and unable to make changes in system.

As per my knowledge , we can change or reset our logging password using cmd .

But I cannot login to my PC so how I can reset my password. For that we have solution

Step: 1


    First we have to  go on automatic repair mode of windows  .

    For that restart the PC , during boot press power button of CPU for 5 seconds, then again         start the PC. So you will able to  go on automatic repair mode


On Other hand if you unable to  access automatic repair mode you can connect your boot Pen drive \ DVD in your PC.

After the Click On Repair Your Computer Located on Left hand side corner.

Step : 2

I Both case we get same interface.

For Windows 10 :

Windows 10

Click  On Troubleshoot and then click on startup repair

For Windows 7:

Windows 7

In win 7 You Will get  direct interface to  enter in startup repair mode

Step: 3

I am explaining from given image so you can easily find in on which step You have to  click

Just Click on the cancel button to proceed for next step

After some time you will get some this type of interface Just Click on the given path it will automatically  open Notepad.

Now in This Tab click on File and click on Save As.

Now you can access you file manager

Now Just go on Following path


Rename the Utilman as shown in figure.

Step :4

find cmd and make a copy of cmd by right clicking

Rename that copy file as Utilman

Step:  5

After the restart the PC

Click Ease of Access.
cmd will Open 

Step: 6

Type the command
net user (Click Enter)

List of User will be shown

net user (type the user name have to reset password) * (press Enter)

Type a password for User:
Retype password for User:

keep This password Blank as default.

Restart Your PC .
Logon To your User.

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