How to turn on & off windows firewall in windows 10 ?
Hello Fiends Very good morning!!! Yes, good morning because I am writing this post in the morning. By the way, I like to do blogging work in the morning only. I feel that in the morning the mind is completely fresh. Whether it is a laptop, desktop , server or a workstation in a computer, if it has any Microsoft operating system installed, then obviously it will also have a firewall by default. This firewall protects our laptop and its data in many ways. Friends, this firewall is called Window Defender Firewall. Window Defender is an antivirus that comes for free in Microsoft's latest operating system. And this firewall is a part of that.
Friends, our question was that how do we turn on or off the firewall of our computer when needed? Sometimes the firewall has to be turned off due to technical issues or requirements. So today we will learn how to turn off or on Windows Defender Firewall.
I will tell you 2 ways by which you can easily turn on or off Windows Firewall.
First Option -
First of all, open Windows Firewall on your computer. There are several ways to open Windows Firewall.
- Press the window button and type "windows security" or "firewall & network protection". In both the conditions, the Windows Security page will open.
Or you can open Run and type "control firewall.cpl" or firewall.cpl and press Enter. After doing this you will see that the firewall page has been opened.
Second Option -
Now you have to run the command given below.
to turn off the firewall -
"netsh advfirewall set all state off "
to turn on the firewall -
"netsh advfirewall set all state on"
After running this command, you will see that your firewall has been turned on or off.
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