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How much fun it is to work at Command Prompt!!! Is not it !! I like it. Let us move on to the topic of our command prompt and today we will learn how we can do user management from the command prompt.

Friends, user management means that we have to create, disable or delete the user in the local system.

So without delay we come to our main point. ..

How to open User Management from RUN ?

To open user management through RUN -

  • Just Open RUN & type lusrmgr.msc & press enter button.

But we have to learn how to manage the user from the command prompt.
First of all, you open the command prompt but remember to open it only by run as administrator.

Open User Management Console from CMD

Open CMD (command prompt ) & type  lusrmgr.msc & press enter button.

Check existing user list -

command - net user 

Friends, with this command it is known that how many users remain in your computer.

Create New User -

Command :- net user XYZ /add

Note :-  friends here XYZ is user name .

Friends, you can check by going to user management or local user and groups.

Create new user with password -

command :- net user XYZ password /add

Note :- here XYZ is user login ID while password is login id password.

Delete User Login ID -

command :-  net user XYZ /del

Note :- XYZ is a user login ID name.

Enable or Disable User Login ID

Command for enable :- net user xyz /active:yes

its important question can ask in interview that is "How to enable local user in windows 10 through command line ?"

Note :- Friends, if there is any login ID disabled in the local users & groups, then the arrow will be at the bottom. If there is none or any kind of mark then it means that login ID is active. see in picture.

Command for disable :- net user xyz /active:no

Change Password :- 

command :- net user xyz *

As soon as you enter this command, you will be asked for a new password. Once you enter a new password, you will be asked to confirm the password again. In this way you can change the password of any login ID

Hmm!!! So friends, how did you like this article, do tell us. If there is any error then let us know and we will rectify it.

Thanks for reading !!!! have a great day !!!

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