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WMIC is an acronym whose full form is Windows Management Interface Command. This is a very important and used command in Microsoft's operating system. The utility of this command is very, with this command you can easily find out the serial number, model number of your laptop, computer desktop. Not only this, you can also find out the MAC address of your computer, the size of the RAM, the model number of the motherboard.

So how can you know all this? Let us see its commands further. If you like working on CMD then this will be great fun for you!!!

First of all I would suggest you to open the command prompt. But open only by doing open run as administrator. Doing this gives a lot of rights to your command prompt.

Common WMIC Command 

Here I go on to explain the command, you can practice it on your laptop or computer. By doing this you will soon learn these commands

Find Computer Name , Host Name & Types of OS (like 64 bit or 32 bit) :-

Command for host name & computer name :- 

command :- wmic computersystem get name

Command for Host Name & Operating System type :-

Command :- wmic computersystem get name, systemtype 

Find Model Of Your Computer -

For getting model number of your computer , just type below command on CMD & press enter.

command :- wmic computersystem get model

Find Serial Number of Your Computer -

Command :- wmic bios get serialnumber 


wmic csproduct get identifyingnumber

Check Motherboard Model Number 

Command :- wmic baseboard get product,Manufacturer,version,serialnumber

Check Physical memory of your computer 
command :- wmic computersystem get totalphysicalmemory

Check MAC Address of computer

command :- wmic nic get macaddress,description

Check computer manufacturer 

command :- wmic computersystem get manufacturer

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