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Hello friends ,

Today we will learn how to change the date and time on our computer or laptop. Friends, sometimes we find in our computer that the date and time of the computer is not correct. It is running behind time for some reason. Or it may also happen that we intentionally want to make some changes in time.

Whatever the reason, we will tell you the way and a very easy way.


Solution 1 :- Change date & time through command prompt .

  • First of all, open the command prompt (cmd) on your computer. Remember, always open the command prompt in administrator mode. To do this right click on the command prompt and run as administrator.

  • Once the command prompt is open, you can change the date and time. To change the date, you have to type the “date” on the command prompt. As soon as you type the "date", your computer's current date will come and you will also get the option to change the date.

  • In the same way you have to do it for the time as well. Just type the “time” and the option to change the time will come along with the current time.

Solution 2 :- Change date & time through GUI method .

  • On the right side of your computer, the date and time will be visible at the bottom. You have to right click on it and click on Adjust date/time.

  • Here you will find many options to change the date and time.

Set time automatically :-

  • Enabling Set Time Automatically will automatically change the date and time of your computer and sync with the time server time.windows.com .

Set time zone automatically :-

  • Enabling Set Time Zone Automatically will automatically change the date and time zone of your computer and sync with the date and time time server time.windows.com . This time zone syncs with the Internet on your computer .

  • And finally if set time automatically is disabled , then click on change  and set date and time .

I hope you have learned to change the date and time in your computer with the help of this article.

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